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Set it in Motion.

11 Day Embodiment Experiment

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Here's how it will go...


11 Day Embodiment Experiment

Give yourself something new to do-

EXPERIMENT with your personal energy and how it interacts with the energy AROUND you.


is an 11 day Quantum Abundance Experiment where you aren't

the "pay off" is a method to mix up the energy just enough to
set something new in motion- whether it be subtle or large-

If you learn HOW this works for you and your body you will be able to  master so many more things associated with ideals like MANIFESTATION and  all that jazz.

What  I have noticed in trying these "challenges" that it's better in short  spurts- but if it's TOO short it doesn't land. But even with keeping  that in mind- when it comes to your energy sheath or body- I am finding  many people attempting to manipulate this without an understanding of  how to deconstruct their attachment to the outcome.

The  ONLY way I have found to begin a basic authentic communication with it  is to do something not logical coupled with some intentional writing +  action. This is EXACTLY where this SET IT IN MOTION challenge came from.

I  am going to give you all of the instructions, in a nutshell, below.  HOWEVER if you want guidance in the form of prompts for the 11 days with  some meditations mixed in- sign up for the challenge right here->

HERE'S how it will go...
Day 1- Write out desired reality. Be very complete. More info in email. Cut it  up, put it aside. You will want to get a small bowl or jar to keep  these in until day 11

Days 2 to 10- Cut 5 strips of paper per day. Each day write something new you want in  your life- don't try and remember what you previously put down. Put  these aside with day 1's scraps. Email's have more suggestions.
Day 11- In meditation see about 5 things you can do to bring today's you closer  to the you in the jar and make a commitment. Then do something with the  scraps. Details in emails

SIGN UP for all the prompts which go along with the MOON PHASES and with  the current energy, cause that's how I roll... YEAH this is FREE, grab  it before I change my mind.

Thank you for being here!